Monday , March 24th 2025
    Best deals for your pets

Your Pets Vet – Will Neutering Reduce My Dog Aggression

Help Vet, my corgi is aggressive after turning one My sweet-natured corgi became quite aggressive soon after he turned one. Now, he barks incessantly at regular visitors or when the helper goes out. During his walks, he will lunge at strangers.... Read more

Your Pets Vet – Poodle With A Dog Biting Habit

Help Your Pets Vet, I have a poodle with dog biting habit! My five-year-old poodle Yoyo has been biting her paws since she was a puppy. How do I solve the problem? This is a relatively common problem among dogs and there could be a ... Read more

Best Dog Training Collar

Dog training collars come in countless styles, from the most basic types such as choke collars, or otherwise known as "slip" collars, to multiple remote controlled dog training collars which aid in training more than one pet. Whatever the need, consumers have realized tha... Read more

Your Pets Vet – Dog Losing Fur And You Can Do

My 10-month-old female dog losing fur, a lot later.  What can I do?  She is a husky cross spitz. Is the underlying cause dietary, medical or something that is seasonal?

Dog Losing Fur Is Normal

Shedding of fur is a normal proce... Read more

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