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Aquatic Arts Nerite Snail Combo Pack: 5 Zebra, 5 Tiger | Algae Cleaner | Aquarium Background Accessories | Safe in Freshwater Tetra/Betta Fish Tank

Product Features:

    This Nerite Snail combo pack includes 10 Nerite Snails of 2 different varieties: 5 Zebra Neritesand 5 Tiger Nerites.Nerite Snails are known as one of the best algae eaters in the world. These live snails requiresalt water to reproduce and won’t overpopulate your aquarium like other freshwater snails.They reduce…
Price as on: 2019-11-22 15:04:17

Product Description

This Nerite Snail combo pack includes 10 Nerite Snails of 2 different varieties: 5 Zebra Nerites
and 5 Tiger Nerites.
Nerite Snails are known as one of the best algae eaters in the world. These live snails require
salt water to reproduce and won’t overpopulate your aquarium like other freshwater snails.
They reduce the need for a UV sterilizer because they feed on will consume uneaten fish food
and waste, plus they clean algae off aquarium glass, aquatic plants, and tank decorations. They
also eat hair algae and clean and filter your aquarium substrate. These snails are peaceful and
safe to keep with any nonaggressive freshwater fish, freshwater shrimp, and aquarium plants
(such as Marimo Moss Balls, java moss, etc.).
Tiger Nerite Snail (Neritina semiconica) shells are a dark amber color with small black markings
that form encircling stripes. Zebra Nerite Snail (Neritina natalensis) shells have gold and black
zebra-like stripes. They range from 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter, and while most remain around 1
inch throughout their lifespan, the occasional snail will reach 1.5 inches. They only eat algae
and are perfectly suitable for plant aquariums. Some Nerite Snails are finicky about eating dry
snail pellets, but typically enjoy spirulina, algae wafers, and other plant-based foods.
“Nerite Snail” is sometimes misspelled as Nerrite Snail. We recommend keeping the water line
relatively low and spaced far from your aquarium rim, as this snail will occasionally climb up
beyond the water line. Nerite Snails may help reduce the need for a filter brush due to their
cleaning abilities.

– Temperature: 65° – 85° F (18° – 29° C)
– pH: 6.5 – 8.0
– KH: 5 – 12 dKH
– Minimum tank size: 2 gallons per snail
– Average adult size: 1 – 1.5 inches (2.5 – 3.8 cm)
– Average purchase size: 1/2 – 1 inch (1.3 – 2.5 cm)
– WARNING: Copper is toxic to invertebrates. Avoid any aquarium products that contain
copper in any form, such as aquarium fertilizer for plants.

Product Features

  • Buy both tiger nerites and Zebra nerites at a discount price! Zebra and tiger Nerite snails shells feature incredible coloration and stunning designs.
  • Nerite snails are totally safe with live Aquarium Plants and absolutely never reproduce in freshwater, so they are perfect for Aquarium hobbyists wanting to avoid snails reproducing in their tanks.
  • Nerite snails like these reduce the need for an aquarium scraper, as they are the single best algae cleaner snails in freshwater. They clean algae off Aquarium glass, aquatic plants, décor, etc.
  • They are completely peaceful and safe to keep with all nonaggressive Aquarium animals (including freshwater fish), as well as other freshwater snails, such as spike snails (aka faunus ater).
  • A water filter Aquarium is necessary, along with an aquarium pump. All Aquatic Arts Plants and animals come with a 100% alive arrival guarantee and free email support!