Saturday , February 22nd 2025
    Best Deals On Your Pets Pro For Aquatic Pets Goodies

Aquatic Arts 2 Live Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs | Real Living Nano Aquarium Fish Tank Pet | Betta/Danio / Rasbora / Guppy Compatible

Product Features:

    We are super excited to be perhaps the only North American retailer to offer Pom Pom Crabs(Ptychognathus barbatus) DIY kit! * IMPORTANT: This pair of crabs is very small (most will be 1inch or less at the time of purchase, but they can grow up to 1.5 to 1.75 inches),…
Price as on: 2020-01-30 23:45:34

Product Description

We are super excited to be perhaps the only North American retailer to offer Pom Pom Crabs
(Ptychognathus barbatus) DIY kit! * IMPORTANT: This pair of crabs is very small (most will be 1
inch or less at the time of purchase, but they can grow up to 1.5 to 1.75 inches), making them
ideal for nano or miniature tanks. *
In addition to feeding on particles that collect on fuzzy patches of hair (“pom poms”) on their
claws, they feed on algae and biofilm and will also eat high-quality dry foods or pellets that are
rich in plant matter. We also occasionally feed them protein-rich frozen or fresh snacks such as
freeze dried bloodworms.
Their natural habitat is reportedly throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions in
Madagascar, Taiwan, and New Caledonia. No breeder has reported successful breeding in a
home aquarium as of yet. Unlike most “freshwater” crabs, these are fully aquatic and can stay
underwater indefinitely. However, we recommend keeping your water line low or keeping a
hood on your aquarium, as they are occasional escape artists. They do best in tanks with plants
(such as red ludwigia and other leaf stem plants) or submersible decorations that provide cover
and places to hide.
They can be kept with some peaceful fish species, such as the Danio, Galaxy Rasbora, Guppy,
Tetra, and Endler. They can also be kept with most types of snail, including Olive Thorn and
Horned Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, Limpets, and Sulawesi Snails. They can typically live with

dwarf shrimp, such as Sakura Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), Ghost Shrimp, or
Babaulti Shrimp, but there is a small chance that they may try to attack a slow or sick shrimp.
– Temperature: 68° – 78° F (20° – 25° C)
– pH: 6.2 – 7.2
– KH: 1 – 5 dKH
– Minimum tank size: 5 gallons
– Average adult size: 1 inch (2.5 cm) or less
– Average purchase size: 1/2 – 1 inch (1.3 – 2.5 cm)
– WARNING: Copper is toxic to invertebrates. Avoid any aquarium products that contain
copper in any form.

Product Features

  • The rare Freshwater Pom Pom Crab is named for its unique claws, which resemble pom
    poms or boxing gloves. Their round shells feature tan and black or brown colors,
    sometimes in striking designs.
  • These cute twin aquatic pets ship as .5 to 1 inch diameter young adults and will not
    exceed 1.75 inches in diameter, even when fully grown. The claws are fairly big in
    proportion to its body.
  • They fully aquatic in their natural habitats, so they always stay under water and can be
    kept in fresh water home aquariums! They feed on algae but can also eat dry food rich
    in plant matter.
  • They do best in tanks with places to hideout, like plants (anubias, lily plant, etc.) and
    aquarium décor. They look great with island or jungle décor, such as a fake palm tree,
    shack, or hammock!
  • All Aquatic Arts brand plants and animals come with a 100% live and healthy arrival
    guarantee, offer of replacement of DOAs, plus free email support!