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    Best Deals On Your Pets Pro For Aquatic Pets Goodies

Aquatic Arts 1 Female White Specter | Live Freshwater Aquarium Lobster / Crawfish / Crawdad / Real Living Fish Tank Pet

Product Features:

    The White Specter Crayfish is a beautiful white variant of the Electric Blue Crayfish species(Procambarus alleni). You may want to use fish tank gloves when handling this animal orcleaning the tank.Though most crayfish are reclusive by nature, this particular crayfish is very active and spendsplenty of time exploring the…
Price as on: 2020-02-08 09:07:13

Product Description

The White Specter Crayfish is a beautiful white variant of the Electric Blue Crayfish species
(Procambarus alleni). You may want to use fish tank gloves when handling this animal or
cleaning the tank.
Though most crayfish are reclusive by nature, this particular crayfish is very active and spends
plenty of time exploring the aquarium floor and feeding on whatever it can find. They will eat
most any meaty or plant-based foods, and they may also eat live plants. These crayfish are fully
aquatic, so they shouldn’t be housed in a terrarium and do not need a feeding dish or bowl in
the aquarium.
As it reaches adulthood, this crayfish may behave aggressively towards other animals in the
tank. It is important to provide ample hiding places, such as PVC pipes or aquarium décor that
serves as shelter. This is even more crucial when housing multiple crayfish in the same tank.
Due to the size and waste production of this crayfish, a minimum 30-gallon, well-filtered
aquarium is necessary for one adult. A larger aquarium rig can house multiple adults of similar
size. Basic aquarium gear and media is required, especially a canister filter (such as a cascade
filter) to help clean up waste in the tank.
This is a very hardy animal, but a regular water change is vital to its optimal health. Other
bottom-dwelling animals should be avoided. Crayfish will typically eat whatever they can catch,

but since they are slow moving, they are not often able to harm upper- to mid-level, fast-
swimming fish, such as Endlers (livebearing fish), South American Cichlids, etc.
– Temperature: 65°- 76° F (18° – 24° C)
– pH: 6.5 – 7.5
– KH: 6 – 15 dKH
– Minimum tank size: 30 gallons
– Average adult size: 4 – 5 inches (10 – 12.7 cm) body length minus claws
– Average purchase size: 2 – 3 inches (5 – 7.6 cm)
– WARNING: Copper is toxic to invertebrates. Avoid any aquarium products that contain
copper in any form.

Product Features

  • White Specter Crayfish (aka freshwater lobsters) are not albino; their striking color is
    bred into them! They are more hardy and adaptable than Cherax crayfish and have
    lower care requirements.
  • Caution should be exercised when keeping a jumbo crayfish as a pet. The general rule
    with crayfish in aquarium fish tank habitats is: if it can catch it, it WILL try to eat it!
  • This premium white colored crayfish ships as a 2 to 3+ inch long young adult that will
    grow up to 5 to 6 inches long. A single crayfish thrives best in 30 gallon to 40 gallon or
    larger aquariums.
  • While their huge claws might make them seem carnivorous, these crayfish are
    omnivores and will eat a wide variety of fish food or vegetable matter. Substrate, such
    as sand or stone, is a must.
  • This listing is for 1 female young adult crayfish. Aquatic Arts is an American aquarium
    company and all our plants and animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee, plus
    free email support!