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Your Pets Vet – Poodle With A Dog Biting Habit

Your Pets Vet – Poodle With A Dog Biting Habit

Help Your Pets Vet, I have a poodle with dog biting habit!

My five-year-old poodle Yoyo has been biting her paws since she was a puppy. How do I solve the problem?

This is a relatively common problem among dogs and there could be a few reasons.

Possible Reason One To Dog Biting – Infection

First, I suggest Yoyo visit her vet for an examination. A close check of the paws is needed to ensure there are no foreign bodies such as grass seeds and sharp objects that could have injured or are irritating the paw.

Does Yoyo also lick or bite other parts of her body? Are there signs of itch that accompanies her biting behaviour?

The parts Yoyo is biting, licking or scratching will help your vet assess if this is a localised problem or a more generalised condition.

A common cause for a dog biting/licking its paw is a parasite infection (for example, mites), which could be resolved with regular anti-parasitic treatments.

Possible Reason Two – Allergy

Another common cause is an allergy.

For a food allergy, expect to see a more generalised itch on various parts of the body.

Contact allergy – for example, due to exposure to certain chemicals or pollens – tends to be more localised at the areas where the skin is in contact with the allergen.

For instance, a dog’s feet may flare up after walking through a grass patch where there is pollen it is allergic to.

Sometimes, constant licking or biting of paws could be attributed to behavioural causes as well, such as separation anxiety.

Understanding the cause of the anxiety can help identify a suitable solution.

This takes close observation of the pet by the owner. Often, enrichment and positive reinforcement training is needed to address such behavioural causes.

Frequent licking/biting of the paws can also cause secondary bacteria or yeast infection due to the area being moist. Your vet will be able to advise the treatment needed if there are signs of such infection.

The Meaning Behind 21 Strangest Dog Behaviors

In case your dog is having other behavioral issues, read on.  In the video below, it explain the real meaning behind 21 dogs strangest behaviors and explain why dogs do these behaviors.

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